Make extra money fast
Everyone has infrequently used items or “extras” that maybe they’ll need for a rainy day. Professional organizers recommend getting rid of things that can be easily and inexpensively replaced.
Why sell things if you might need to buy them later? First, you may never need them. Second, you’ll be happier spending the money you make on a trip to a sunny beach or a new outfit than waiting for a rainy day!

Selling at Jamie's Makes Sense
With over 250,000 shoppers each year, you’ll benefit from setting up shop at Northeast Ohio’s largest flea market. Jamie’s with two large buildings with plenty of indoor booths, and over 400 outdoor market spaces attracts lots of traffic on both Wednesdays and Saturdays, all year long. In addition, Jamie’s organizes regular events that draw in tourists and customers from far and wide.
Free parking and admission make Jamie’s flea market a popular, inexpensive shopping and entertainment destination.

No long-term commitment
Selling at Jamie’s Flea Market is easy and safe. Inside or outside, a space at Jamie’s is low-cost and flea market vending is a fun way to meet people.
You’ll be a natural salesperson because you can speak about the items you’re selling. You know how much pleasure or usefulness they brought you, and how much “life” is still in them.
At the end of the day, you’ll be happy to have found new homes for all your stuff, and feel good about giving them a second-life. More importantly, you’ll have replaced these items with money that you can put towards something you really want or need.