
For more information about spaces available, please contact us or stop by the office on your next visit.

Ready to become a vendor? Apply here!

  • East Building: $33-38 per space per week.
  • Center Building: $36-41 per space per week.
  • Oversized spaces are priced accordingly.
  • Additional charge for appliances/additional lights.

Spaces are rented from week to week, and paid one week in advance. Rent is due every Wednesday before 2pm. $20 late fee for late rent. Booths must be open each market day during Jamie’s advertised hours, 8am to 4pm. Violators will be fined.

Spaces marked RESERVED are taken for the entire season, May 1 thru Sep 30, with an option to reserve for the months of April and October. If you are interested in a reserved space, please stop by the office for more information.

  • $17 per day per space. Corner space $20 per day.
  • $25 concession fee for the sale of any type of food or drink.
  • You must have rent (and concession fee) money when collectors come around in the morning.

Spaces are on a first-come, first-serve basis. Your vehicle (or trailer) must be parked in your space before 8am on market days. 

You may bring your vehicle after 4pm on Tuesday for Wednesday market days, and after 8am on Friday for Saturday market days. Any vehicle brought before these times will be towed at the owner’s expense.

  • Tables or other items used to save spaces will be removed by Jamie’s management. Only a vehicle or trailer can be used to save a space.
  • Saving spaces for other vendors is not permitted.
  • Your space must be clean at the end of the market day. It is forbidden to leave behind any unsold items or garbage. Please do not fill Jamie’s garbage cans with unsold merchandise. Violators will be fined, and may lose their right to be a vendor at Jamie’s Flea Market.

Jamie’s is a family place. Our shoppers may come from another county or state. We owe it to them to ensure they have a great shopping experience. For this reason, the sale of firearms, ammunition, fireworks, drugs, pornography, live animals, nazi and confederate flags and emblems, and related items are strictly prohibited.